About the cardinal movements in labor:
Here's a video of the baby's movements through the pelvis during birth:
Book Recommendation:
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
Our favorite resource for evidence-based information about birth:
Evidence-Based Birth (written articles + a podcast)
Podcast Recommendation - Search for positive birth stories
The Birth Hour
A word on induction...
Evidence on Due Dates
EBB Podcast Series on "Natural" Induction Methods
Interventions you might see on a birth plan:
Fetal Monitoring
Birthing Positions
Eating & Drinking During Labor
Optimal Cord Clamping (aka "Delayed" cord clamping)
Active vs. Expectant Management of the Third Stage of Labor (birth of the placenta)
The Breast Crawl (video)
The 3 Rs in Childbirth Preparation: Relaxation, Rhythm and Ritual
The Gate Control Theory of Pain Management
"If someone experiences a painful (noxious) stimulus, the application of a non-noxious (soothing or light rubbing) stimulus can help activate the gate control mechanism, and reduce the pain."
The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults
The Hormones of Labor and Birth
Breaking the Fear-Pain-Tension Cycle
The Birth Partner by Penny Simkin
Our favorite resource for evidence-based information about birth:
Evidence-Based Birth (written articles + a podcast)
Podcast Recommendation - Search for positive birth stories
The Birth Hour
A word on induction...
Evidence on Due Dates
EBB Podcast Series on "Natural" Induction Methods
Interventions you might see on a birth plan:
Fetal Monitoring
Birthing Positions
Eating & Drinking During Labor
Optimal Cord Clamping (aka "Delayed" cord clamping)
Active vs. Expectant Management of the Third Stage of Labor (birth of the placenta)
The Breast Crawl (video)
The 3 Rs in Childbirth Preparation: Relaxation, Rhythm and Ritual
The Gate Control Theory of Pain Management
"If someone experiences a painful (noxious) stimulus, the application of a non-noxious (soothing or light rubbing) stimulus can help activate the gate control mechanism, and reduce the pain."
The Effect of Diaphragmatic Breathing on Attention, Negative Affect and Stress in Healthy Adults
The Hormones of Labor and Birth
Breaking the Fear-Pain-Tension Cycle
Other Services Available at AthensBorn